Bloom's digital taxonomy stage 4: Analyzing

This activity is designed for intermediate language learners for 9th grade.

References from the Norwegian curriculum:
- use digital resources and other aids in one's own language learning
- express own reactions to English literary texts, films, internet culture, pictures and music
- express oneself creatively inspired by different types of English literature from various sources
- use digital tools and other aids to find relevant information and to create different types of texts

Aims for the lesson:
- students should be able to organize a mind-map
- students should be able to structure a movie review
- students should be able to explain the story of the movie
- students should be able to break down different parts of the movie

Technology used:
- Microsoft Word: a digital tool to aid the students in their writing process. Helps with structuring their movie reviews.
- Youtube: in order to freshen up their memory of the movie they watched previous lesson/ find inspiration for their movie review

Lesson plan:
Start the lesson by asking the students what they remember, and what they think of the movie they saw in the previous lesson. Proceed asking them about their knowledge regarding movie reviews. These two points work as hooking the students, and they know what the lesson will consist of."Into"-stage. Go through an example of a professional movie review, and go through difficult words with the students. This is for the students to comprehend, and goes into the "through"-stage of the lesson. Have some criteria for the movie review they are about to write ready on the smart board. The criteria includes: What did you think of the movie? What was the most exciting part of the movie? What did you not like about the movie? What do you wish there was more of in the movie? For example action, romance, drama etc.? Would you recommend this movie? Why/why not? Students give a conclusion and a 5 star grading system to back up their opinions. Their reviews will then mainly be presented within groups, although if some students want to present in front of the class they will be able to. The students' movie reviews goes under the "beyond"-stage. The students write arguments for or against, explanations or reflections using their movie as example, and in addition have their own personal reflections.

Assessing the success of the activity:
The success of the activity will be apparent whether or not the students are able to create a complete movie review or not, and if they are engaged in presenting their reviews to each other. Observing. The overall goal for the lesson is for the students to practice writing English, and in addition have their own personal reflection on a engaging subject, and the overall efficient work the students put into the lesson will be reviewed afterwards. In addition as a side note, if the different presentations in groups creates some discussion between critics, that is a significant factor for success as well.

Thoughts and reflection:
If the lesson shows itself to be successful, it will be repeated later on as well. Since the lesson is good practice for the students in writing, reflection and presenting. The challenges are whether or not the students find the activity engaging, if they are willing to/able to compose a complete movie review or not and if the lesson creates some discussion or not.


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