Bloom's digital taxonomy stage 6: Creating

This activity is designed for intermediate language learners at 9th grade.

References from the Norwegian curriculum:
- use digital resources and other aids in one's own language learning
- understand and use a vocabulary related to familiar topics
- identify some linguistic similarities and differences between English and one's native language
- use expressions of politeness and appropriate expressions

Aims for the lesson:
- students should be able to formulate and know the difference between informal and formal language
- students should be able to film a short video
- students should be able to roleplay different characters
- students should be able to manage their time efficiently

Technology used:
- Powerpoint: in order to introduce the subject "Informal vs. Formal language"
- iMovie: a tool for the students to use in order to film and edit their videos
- iPad: activity requires iPads for the students to use in order to use the iMovie program

Lesson plan:
Start off the lesson with introducing the subject "Informal vs. Formal language" on Powerpoint. Show examples of both, for example informal language being used with friends and at social events such as soccer practice or going to the movies. Formal language examples: writing an email for a job application, talking to your boss or having formal meetings/interviews. A short video on YouTube will be shown to the class, and the teacher will have the different characteristics of the different ways of language on the smartboard while they work on the next assignment. This gives a sneak peek at the content for the lesson and engages the students in what the lesson will contain. In addition gives the students the opportunity to share their own experiences regarding the topic = "Into"-stage. The next assignment is for the students in groups of two to four, to create a video using the application "iMovie" on their handed out iPads. The video they will portray should be able to differentiate informal and formal language, and they are given different scenarios for inspiration. This goes under the "through"-stage where the students are able to illustrate the differences between formal and informal language. A scenario for their short movie can for example be a job interview vs. being with your friends. This lesson contains a good amount of planning and process of filming, therefore it may extend over to the next lesson, where in the end they will present their videos in front of the class. This goes under the "beyond"-stage, where the students are able to create something of their own using digital tools regarding the subject, and given artistic freedom in doing such. Although, if there are groups containing of students not willing to show it in front of the whole class, they can show it to the teacher only instead.

Assessing the success of the activity:
The end product of their video will mainly show the success, and if they understood the activity properly. Going around observing their work process will in addition show if the students are engaged and working well. If the objectives are met will show in the end product, and if they have been efficient with their given amount of time.

Thoughts and reflection:
As the students may scatter when given this activity, it may cause a challenge for the teacher to have a good control of the different groups. As a teacher in this scenario you have to be on your toes by guiding the students, being available to whatever they may need assistance of and observe how their work is progressing and if their time is being used correctly. When given an iPad in such an activity, the temptation of using it for different things such as playing games or fooling around with the filming progress is indeed a challenge, however this will test the students if they are capable of such a task, and if it should be repeated in the future. By using the iPads in such a manner and the application iMovie, can expand into great opportunities in the future if used correctly and worked with appropriately. To summarize this is a good opportunity as a teacher to see if your students are capable of the responsibility of using such digital tools.


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